After heavy hail, you could see significant damage to your roof. If your home was impacted by hail damage, don’t panic! With the right homeowners insurance, there is a chance your damages are covered under your policy.
The team at Blue Fox Roofing has seen these damages and can answer any questions you may have about homeowners insurance. Here are the answers to common questions we get from our clients.
Can My Homeowners Insurance Cover A Roof Repair Or Roof Replacement?
In most states, hail damage is covered by the standard home insurance policy. Depending on your location and your policy, insurance should cover roof damage caused by extreme weather, including hail. But, before your roofing contractor can perform repairs or a replacement, you need to have an approved hail damage claim.
This is great for people who live in areas that experience hail often. North Carolina’s geography puts it at high risk to suffer from damaging hail storms. Whether it’s repairs or a full roof replacement, you can expect to have some coverage for damages from homeowners insurance.
When Do I File A Hail Damage Claim?
As we mentioned before, you will need a hail damage claim for your roofing contractor to get started on assessing the damage. As soon as your roof sustains damage from hail, we recommend filing your claim as soon as possible. Many insurers will require filing a claim within one year of sustaining damage to your roof and other places of your home. You can always contact your agent for more information on your coverage and time limits for claims.
Do Insurance Companies Pay For Cosmetic Damages?
Extreme weather can damage your roof, but in some cases, it can damage the appearance rather than the function. If your roof’s structure still works but looks damaged from the outside, can your insurance cover the cleanup? Some companies now have the option to exclude payments for damage to exterior surfaces. This includes:
- Walls
- Roofs
- Doors
- Windows
According to insurers, these exclusions are necessary to avoid raising insurance premiums for all members. This can be a difficult judgment to make because all insurance companies will judge cosmetic qualities and functional qualities differently for each home. Contact your insurance provider to see if your policy will cover cosmetic damages and where they draw the line.
Can Filing A Claim Cause My Premiums To Go Up?
Depending on how often you file for a hail claim, you may be at risk for a premium adjustment. In most cases, your premiums will stay around the same because severe weather can be unpredictable. Only when you request these claims often will you see the adjustment. If you are living in an area that is frequently affected by hail, you can expect higher rates compared to those living in low-risk areas.
Blue Fox Roofing And Our Roofing Contractors Charlotte Team
Once you received your approved hail damage claim, homeowners insurance will cover the detailed repairs that you need for your roof. If you need to contact a roofing company for your hail damages, contact Blue Fox Roofing! Our team provides services for new and returning clients who need their roofs back in the best condition. Contact us for a consultation today!